Meetings the First Thursday of each month
January to June 2015 Meetings - July & August no meetings. Meetings resume in September.
First Thursday of every month at 7:30PM
Open Forum Meeting
BuxMont MUG now operates with a new meeting format. We have no particular topic and presenter but an open forum discussion overseen by a moderator. All are welcome. All topics Apple® and Macintosh® are welcome. Any donated refreshments are welcome.
Moderated by Kenn Marks of Digital Data Systems

We typically had a limited time, member Q&A at the beginning of each meeting. We have now expanded that format for the whole meeting time. So come with problems, questions, and general queries in hand a let's see how we as a community of Apple® Users can answer you questions and help resolve your issues. As requested below if you have issues of a complex nature you might want to let me know in advance so the issue can be researched in advance thereby shortening the response time to resolve your issue. Otherwise we will have to research it live, which might be a good lesson in itself, how to resolve issues online.
Some of the definite topics of discussion will be:
Introductions from WWDC - San Francisco
Where to Buy your Apple Products
What accessories are necessary
What software is essential
Buy Local or Mail-Order (On-Line)
If you have questions, additional services, known pros or cons or additional features on this topic or preferred programs you would like to see presented at future meetings Please Contact Kenn with your inputs -
If you have questions or comments, please contact Kenn with your inputs -
About Kenn Marks
As a local Mac Consultant, Kenn has been assisting individuals and small businesses with their computing dilemmas for over 30 years. He has been using Quicken since it was introduced on the Apple II in the Mid 80s and TurboTax back when is was distributed as MacInTax on three 800K Floppies. For more information about Kenn, please visit his web site at
MUG meetings are informative and entertaining. Don't miss out on the fun, refreshments, and camaraderie. Bring a friend |